Monday, June 7, 2010

saeidah's award+tagged..


give thanks to the blogger for this award and tagged
thousands appreciate for miss saiedah for such lovely award with her crazy tag..hehe
really thankful to her bcoz give her own creativity award for me
lap u la..muuaah..!!haha..

make 15 words from the sentences above (no humans name/city/road/animal)
-[examples: roll, rain]-

1. day..............6. tool.............11. good
2. sand.............7. candy.........12. nude
3. rent..............8. poster.........13. dart
4. recruit..........9. terrorist.......14. part
5. great...........10. land............15. engine

**don't repeat the word..make sure every word you've make have a meaning

put your transport (picture) when you go to work, school or college

i always use my feet to go to to school and college..
walk on my feet?? btol ke ayt den ni..? so tired..hurmm..

put your favourite sandles/shoes (picture)
this is my favorite sandal for now and forever until this sandal koyak rabak..
but my sandal not on this color..
what color..??
it will be my secret..hehe peace..!

where do you get this banner tagged (sender picture)
-[klu bkn owner(mksdnye saiedah sndri) yg berikan kepada anda jadi tempek header blog org yg berikan kpd anda..contoh di sini, korunk kne la letk header tot..hehe..bleh tumpg2 glemer ckit..hihi..]-

..pass this tagged to your friend as much as you can..

alhamdulillah akhirnya tot berjaya menyiapkan award+tagged ini in full english..hoho btol ke..?tipu je tu..hihi..
semoga ada org rajin bg award kt tot ag..nnt de masa tot wt side award sndri lam blog tot..boleh la gerk2 gmbr award je kn..?

erm betol betol betol...
bak kata upin dan ipin..


RoMz said...

rajin nye buat tagged.. bagus2.. transport pakai kaki je.. ngee~ menarik..

Sufi Asri said...

kalo x rajin camne? hehehe...

Anonymous said...

fuhh.. bole plak maCy na tules dlm bi ni..huhu

tot tot kecik said...


hehe..tangungjawab diberikan..kte hanya laksanaknnye shj..

hehe mmg dr skolah lagi berjalan kaki.. :)

tot tot kecik said...

Roronoa Zoro:

haha klu xrajin xpela..da org xsudi nk wt cane..huhu.. :(

tot tot kecik said...


alaa macy kn terer bi ni..boleh pulak tya..

nich said...

hehehe kalau kite takde idea nak update..
dan org bagi tag suh wat..
mmg berbaloi2 kan.. hehehe

tot tot kecik said...


erm btol2..da lbh kuang cm kuiz tag ni..

best best.. :)

qamarguyz said...

salam ziarah..
huhu. macam2 fesyen tag sekarg nie ek..makin mencabar pun ada ;0

tot tot kecik said...

azrai ahmad zamri:


yup mcm2 jenis ada..tu blom yg ade suh reveal identity tu..
